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Old 26-10-2014, 08:07 PM
Autoroambot Autoroambot is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
Thats the purpose of this thread.
There are still some gems exist if you look hard enough.
My personal opinion ah. Like I said. I love this thread because it is honest. Sometimes infuriating, sometimes sad, sometimes funny, sometimes all at the same time.

My only worry is most of us will lose the spirit of adventure and only stick to the tried and tested. I will be the first to admit. I do care about the reviews by the bros in this thread and although massages are not bank breakingly expensive, I do want to have a good time for the money spent. The reason why this thread Is awesome is not only because of the good ladies we found, but largely also due to the horrendous experiences that we had.

What might happen will be the flavor of the month gets swarmed with bookings. No one will dare to try the untested. Then this thread will potentially lose its purpose.

I will commit to commando any girl that is ngam to my taste (unless really bad reviews all the way). The thread can only be kept alive by the courage of bros. And I shall do my part.

Chiong ah!

Last edited by Autoroambot; 26-10-2014 at 08:08 PM. Reason: grammar