Went to see Chloe a few days ago and promised her a review.
First the ratings:
Looks: 7.5/10.
Massage: 9/10.
HJ: 8/10.
GFE: 7/10
Overall: 7.5/10
She looks pretty much 80% of her pictures. I could tell it was her the minute she opened the door. I think in person she does have slightly darker and heavier makeup. Since i prefer lighter coloured makeup the darker just wasnt' my thing. But nevertheless she was definitely a cutie.
Great massage! Her massage was just my cup of tea. She was worried it was too hard and asked if it was ok for me. I told her it was just nice.Oh and it got way better when she did the boob massage. Extremely decent sized for someone of her small size which was kind of unexpected, but when you're autoroaming you will know exactly what i mean.
I opted for the two shots. The first shot was a little mechanical but i guess it was literally the first thing we did so guess she had not warmed up to me yet. Subsequently after we got to know each other a bit she loosened up and was speaking more freely so the experience got better.
Although she loosened up a bit as we chatted, i got the feeling she was still pretty guarded so it was more like being with a fuck-buddy then a GF. She lacked the softness and intimacy of a GF to give you that GFE. Definitely more of a casual friend type feeling.
Also it was the time of the month for her, so i was only able to roam up top as she wore shorts throughout. I told her next time i want to see her in a skirt.
Would i go back? Yeah probably. I get the feeling that she needs to get to know you first and well as i said it was her time of the month. Next time i expect a short skirt and full autoroaming.