Bro, u havent kenna ML that will this by double check their handphone to see how many time you tried to book them one loh.. Then your lobang will be picha liao

No way to evade one haha~ So ML are really competitive one and you might be in for a not so good session
Originally Posted by litlion
Had similar encounter too but
I will reply back saying, "你当时这么忙,约了你几次都没约到; 时段配合不来…所以只好勉强约她咯"… 但是,今天终于可以约到你了,太开心了。等待是值得的 (you were so popular and busy that I can't get a slot with you, so had to date your ex housemate instead, but finally the wait is over today and it's worth it.. )
Actually, most of the time, they just wanted to tease us. Sweet talk to them abit and can be settled 