Originally Posted by topgel
If you want massage therapy, you can't go wrong. Her massage is similar to the kind you would receive at a physio clinic. Any one with sporting injuries or muscle tension should pay her a visit. She knows exactly where to press. One hour may be too short.
For those who place a lot of emphasis on physical appearances, she looks very similar to the photos, a little elephant with ample (grapefruit) boobs and lightly coloured nipples.
Sexual bit, well, the cat bath was ok, some licking, roaming allowed. Didn't attempt going south. She knows how to converse both verbally and physically.
Main highlight isn't the boobs or the Hj or the JG, its the massage, with strength and deep penetration. I felt her arms, she had biceps. The strength is guaranteed.
I tried her last week. First go all, need to specify that I do not go for looks, but just good massage with a little extra happy endings.
Looks wise, she looks okay to me, just a bit baba which I don't mind. Massage is average. Of course cannot compare to last time girls like xiao yu (Lucy).
One thing I really didn't like it's she keep replying SMS. It's like 15mins out of the 60mins massage session, she was typing on her phone. Her hj was also sub par, it's more to the mechanical side, maybe not experienced.