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Old 11-12-2014, 02:46 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by gheun View Post
I was searching for an MR for Keke from Shanghaifun and I found one by a 7 point bro in another thread saying that she doesn't match her photos online. Should I trust his post?

What does it mean when someone has points as little as that brother? Sorry I'm still unsure with how the zapping and upping really works.
post the link, so other bros can help

power = seniority / date joined ( every year + 1 power )
points = reputation, we all started at 20points, if someone likes your post, he will up/add to your points. If some doesn't like, he will zap/minus your points. The amount of points up/zap depends on the power this guy has. If he has a power 5, he can zap you 5 points.

You reach your 1st power when you hit >40 points, there after is +1 power every year.

If your points falls below a certain level, your posting will be subject to moderation before appearing in the forum, just like beginner first post.

This system seems pretty good until all the okt/clones started coming in and zapping those bros that post genuine FR.

the bros responded by exchanging points between themselves so they reach a level where the clones don't bother zapping them anymore. But this group is only a small minority. e.g. bro stiffness, canthaveenuf ... etc

Me and my gang were zapped to -ve points in the ktv threads. So we deleted our account and started a new one. Regretted not bother to exchange points in the beginning, else I should be able to up you and a few active guys (derrickboy, mariosuper, ssufer987) many points for your genuine MRs and commando effort.

For my practice, I prefer to search for this poster past post to determine his reports. I prefer to trust the bad MR over the good MR. The points system already have no meaning. Look at those high power clones at MZ!!!!

So coming back to your 7 pointer bro, yes I will choose to believe his post.
He represent the majority of the lazy bros here He only post when he encountered a bad experience (so got zap), but keep quiet when he come across a nice girl.