Seriously...with power, comes with heavy responsibility. For nothing I was zapped 3 points! I dun really write nonsense in sbf. Jin emo.
anyway, here are two honest MRs.
I actually opt for 90mins massage package, no fj. When door opened, I was quite disappointed by the look. Reduced to 60mins and requested pure 100% massage. Actual person dun seems to resemble the pix on website. Maybe 50% resemblance. But the massage was really good. A great chatter and never bored. Full 60 mins utilized.
Location Area G and sharing appartment. Need to run across to the shower room.
Recommend for decent massage.
After a super tired workout morning on a weekend, checking out all the reviews on the website, I decided to contact her.
Location also Area G. But the surrounding isnt very discreet. Powerful massage. I like the chopping. Super relaxing session with spa-like ambient background music. HDLY is sensually done. She has a very nice figure. Size B+ boobies. Very sexy.
Upgraded my top 3. This is no.1 so far for me. RTM for sure.