Originally Posted by DNAT
Sorry ya, I dun remember anything about any S$58K which you broke contract. Maybe meatlover can recall cos he was there when I met you in GL. Paiseh ya,I 40 y.o. liao, hence memory not so good.
meatlover, you can remember?
I told u if i did not remembered correctly,i said i last time sign on airforce,then break bond.I perhaps did not say how much since we met on the first day.No need to go into personal details.That is why i bet soccer for a living i told u mah
Originally Posted by DNAT
are you talking about free? 
I am not talking about anyone here lah.What i meant is in majority not pinpointing anyone.I do not know free in person so i cannot comment loh.I onli comment on those i seen in person to be fair.Many never see me in person also can pass so much judgements ...hehee
Originally Posted by DNAT
ya rite .. thats why I go silent mob in Batam .. hehe.
I am not referring to u lah.I did not want to bring that point up.But the truth is that old already,that why have to resort to commercial sex.There is nothing wrong with that mah.Just that people here 30s or 40s want to have free boinks same as youngsters.Abit impossible mah,but nonetheless may have exceptions lah.
Originally Posted by DNAT
I supported your move to stay with the gal 6 months ago.
You were not sure is she truly in love with you at that time so the best way is to go up north to live with her, given that
1) you are young, has no HDB/Home mortgage and your folks at home dun need you to supply cash every month and hence you can afford don't work for a short period of time.
2) Its a good chance for you to explore the Thai cheong scenes in more indepth perspectives.
But, I never asked you to slack there for many years ya ...
Hehe,my parents had long used to the fact that i slack all day in and out at home for so many donkey years.They know that i am able to manage myself,since i broke out of contract myself.The onli job i got working permanently was the advertising firm which my friend asked me to join since can bio models going for audition.True staying in bkk makes me learn alot,especially knowing that we sporeans are so much fortunate than those who live in a country which is in terms poorer environment but with lotsa cute looking girls.!!~Until today,i still compares prices,cleanliness as well as surroundings with spore.My girl always hears that.I always says all this is so cheap in bkk nt like spore.Where to find??Paisey lah,i never been to any other countries b4 thailand.