Got treated like a 2nd fiddle by this lady.
Don't get me wrong she's still polite and all....
It's just that i asked for a specific timing, she requested me to go up
earlier which i don't mind rushing a bit to be on time.
Waited for 20 mins to get the address,but i ain't got no address from her.
All i get was "can you come up 1 hour later, customer want to extend..."
I told her, it's ok don't bother, just to let you know, i rejected another girl for you in the end this is how you handled me?
She replied that if this is the case i can go over now, she will stop massaging the guy once i am there. I told her don't even need to bother about it, slowly massage i don't care i'm calling it off.
I mean, come on wtf is this? Maybe i am anal about it but i think she should have handled it better.
Damn pissed off, i just told her don't need it.
Another text came saying she's real sorry about it. I got the urge to say something bad, but i just let it go.
That's it, mood spoilt. Unhappy feeling boiling inside me... Maybe i should search for another 1 now.