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Old 16-02-2015, 07:16 PM
well_done well_done is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

shall contribute to the burgeoning list of MRs for SHIOK 爽爽

visited her recently.

Looks: 8.5/10 pleasant looking. pretty cute
Body: 7/10 rather slim (my requirement for slim is rather strict. so far i will only consider YangYang as slim). not for boobs lover
Massage: 9/10. not expert massage but i give 9/10 because of the effort. she massages with her fingers instead of elbow so really effort.
HJ: 7/10. nothing special but good enough!
GFE: 10/10. i rate my GFE with her to be the best among the MLs i tried. very easy to chat with (in my opinion the easiest to chat with) and she made me felt at ease, which is tough given i am very shy.

would recommend her to anyone!