Finally managed to get hold of her after posting questions about her availability 2 months ago..
Cutie-可爱 in Bonkers or 小雪 in Shenhua69
Location: 7/10. Central. Convenient if driving. No nearby mrt.
Looks: 8.8/10 (The best looking one I encountered so far.. Though I am not a regular massage choengster. Looks better than the photos)
Massage:5/10 (Started with a back massage and after I told her I wanted 2 HJs, proceeded to do the deed.. Somehow it drifted to chatting with her and the massage was almost negligible)
Room 6/10: No attached shower and told to shower by myself. Bathroom is pretty run down.. "Ponds" when the washing machine is running. LOL.. Room is normal in my opinion.
HJ: 8.5/10 (Sensual and nice.. Playful, teases you, moans and tries to accommodate your requirements. )
2nd HJ: 0/10 (Not able to rise to occasion as most time is spent chatting with her... Totally killed the mood. Normally can rise a 3rd time within an hour)
Autoroaming: Panties on whole time. Allowed licking of nipples. Will try to move away when hands stray to the v area. Boobs are a handful to me, though her aerolas are pretty big. Had a good time handling them.
GFE: 9/10 (Friendly and clicks with you. A session intended to relieve my tense body became a chit chat session.... Albeit expensive one..)
RTM: More like Return to Chat. Lol... Hope it won't turn out to be a KC trap. But she seemed sincere in the conversations. Not sure about the experience of the other bros here. Had an enjoyable time there despite the lack of action. She is going back 1.5 weeks later.