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Old 25-04-2015, 12:38 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
Tipping system also changed alot..

Just 2 years ago, i was still tipping farm girls 50/100k and 90% of them are contented.

Last year was 100/150k
2 years ago is 50k to 100k tipping? But i already see people start tipping at an average of around 100k in other Batam/Balai/Tg pinang thread some 7-8 years ago leh and in this thread since nearly 3-4 years ago already can see people tipping 100k to 150k. Thats how i come out with my own personal tipping table to tip my girls in Batam :

50k for no good service
100k for fair or average service
150k for above average to good service
200k is only for the best or beyond expectation service (rare)

If i plan to tip 150k,i throw out 100k 1st becos i know the girl/s are likely to ask for more. Likewise for all other amount,hehehe...

Almost all bros who are new yet who has joined me in my previous group trips tipped according to my above tipping table and it all went very well (and smooth too). Some bros who followed my guide/s ,base on the FRs they wrote to me or in this thread do the same thing too. If it is 250k and above tipping,it is usually those bros who has intention/planning to completely "buy" the girl down from their working joint to keep as mistress or has other ulterior purposes,eg like BDSM,other fetish etc etc..hehehe...

I remember seeing a bro here in this thread who tipped 1 juta (1 million rupiah) in this thread,but that was becos he aim to bonk the same girl for the rest of his future Batam trips for free and he did.


In general,one of the basic rules for me on the Batam cheonging game is to avoid over-paying more than one should (even other countries also same) ,even if it is considered "dirt cheap" in Sillypore term. So many rich tourists from all over the World visited China,but ONLY Sillypore tourists are being branded MOST Stupid by the tourist guide and worse still...Sillyporean are also being called stupid by a foreign prostitute in Sillypore.

What i do was i NEVER compare pricing of Batam in Sillypore term,becos if i do..nearly all of Asia will surely be cheaper than Sillypore.Why not compare with other nearby countries that has lower pricing instead? How about let's be fairer with our comparison and compare 3rd world versus 3rd world country for once?
(unless this is the 1st time an individual steps out of Sillypore where you can compare with ONLY Sillypore)

And lastly,dont end up like this man who married an Indonesia Wife and the wife runaway with all his money later. I have already seen one in real life at my office building who is a cleaner but at least that guy gets to pass away smoothly in Sillypore tho penniless. Its been a year+ already...time really flies...

Basic Batam Info in One Link

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