Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69
Sorry for asking ..... should be here SOMEWHERE but cannot scroll through 2,000 pages !
Can someone tell me where to get a clear online map of Batam showing all the hotels, makan places & tourist attractions
Sorry,bro..i dont think a
"clear online map of Batam showing all the hotels, makan places and tourist attraction" exist in this thread (nor online). But some of the maps i keep after being "stupid" enough (as some calls me) to read this whole thread are shown below :
The 1st map i use for Batam by Bro AV_Lover :
Google map of Batam that was once shared a few times by different bros in this thread :
Maps from Bro eg5354 nearly 3 years ago :
The Batam Cheonging List also got another self-made map that is right at the bottom of the post but you will need to click twice to see its complete map scale (not double click..click once 1st,wait for it to load then click again).
The Cheong List's full Map below in case you didnt know what i am talking about above :
Combining all the Maps together from everyone,you should be able to get a CLEARer picture of the Batam Map you are looking for.
All these information,maps and such are ALL available on in this thread and
my signature link,hehehe... i just took the info from there to show you here,hope you find what you need. And it took me less than 5 mins to find the maps (becos i bookmarked it),hehehe...
*beside being stingy and being called stupid,i think i am kiasu now*
(but i am only stupid once,hehehe..)