Originally Posted by ppang3828
Just share safe locations for bros here (personal opinions ok)
Shuer from Shenhua
CLARITY 小晰 from Little Tiger
MinMin from SGLonelyguy
Serene from sglonelyguy
Xiao Wei from Shenhua
The above MLs operate from discreet locations. Just make sure you don't hang around too early.
Places usually avoided by my group are :
Peoples Park Center - too many Ah Tiongs plus it's right next to Cantonment HQ
Tiong Bahru and Tiong Poh Road : too open with lots of eyes , right next to Cantonment HQ
Balestier and Kim Keat : again the recent raid couple of days just happened there.
These are just info to share. Where you want to chiong, think with the bigger head first.
I used to be in reconnaissance unit, so it's part of my blood to survey each and every location in detail.
thanks for the sharing and reminder bro