Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"
Vivi from LTG
Don't waste your money n time!!!
Services That She Can Perform/Allow
☑ Shower together 一起洗澡 - Dont Hope - Don't Hv!!
☑ Full Body Oil Massage 全身油推 - Keep texting on the phone with 1 hand massage!!'
☑ Back Stepping 踩背 - Don't Hv!
☑ Boob Massage 胸推 - Don't dream - Dont Hv!
☑ Authentic Chinese Style Massage 正宗中式按摩 - So-so!
☑ Head Massage 头部按摩 - Don't Hv!
☑ HDLY 海底捞月 ★★★ - Going through motion & totally hopeless!!
☑ Lymphatic Detoxification 淋巴排毒 - Rubbish / Don't hv!
☑[Jua Gen] [抓根] - Don't Hv!!
Juagen : 抓根 - Stimulating Graphics for show only - TOTALLY BELOW STANDARD - simply stroking up n down.
[Massage The Acupoints Around Your Precious To Promote Better Sexual Life
☑ Autoroaming 摸全身 [Autoroam anywhere you like] - Must be joking - Don't Hv
Cannot even tough outside!!
☑ 69HJ 69打飞机 ★★★ - Worst Pilot!!!!
69 Hand Job : 69 打飞机 - Bluffed!!! - Don't Hv!!!
Juagen : 抓根 - Stimulating Graphics for show only - TOTALLY BELOW STANDARD - simply stroking up n down.
[Massage The Acupoints Around Your Precious To Promote Better Sexual Life