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Old 20-06-2015, 02:43 AM
kwokfucheng kwokfucheng is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by jerryboy View Post
Hi Bros,
I guess she's going to be quite hot after a few MRs. Well, I do agree on your MR rating but for me it's a NO RTM.

Here's why,
1. Massage services is not really the best. At best it's about 7 - 8 / 10
- Nothing much to shout about.

2. Sexual element is not there.
- She's very new in this line of Sexual massage. As she does not have prior experience in China. She thought that she can just massage and finish off with just a HJ.
- She's does not know how to make a man arouse without Sex. I don't really know how to explain in words. But I guess it's like an art that takes time to learn and master.

3. GFE is not there.
- Again because she's new. She does not know what is a GFE and how important that plays a part in the whole process.

4. No Signature Move
- Example of signature could be bathing together, 69 HJ, HDLY, AR, JG, etc.
- All these services she does not even know at all.

My purpose here is not to break her rice bowl but to caution Bros here as the whole experience does not meet my expectation. My advice is just like the much earlier Bro, who explain that due to her inexperience, you have to lower your expectation for the services you're going to get if not, you will be greatly disappointed.

Looking at the latest few MRs, she now does not allow licking of nipples as compare to previous MR from another Bro that says that 4G Roaming is available. In fact that would mean that she did not improve but remove some services as she's getting more popular.

If you ask me, I would not recommend her as there are so many more good choices Massage Lady with much much more to offer.
Bro, I agree fully with what u have stated.

let me give some additional input and thoughts.

For a price of 100/hr, I would expect that the ml stripped all the way down, does boob fuck, 4G autoroaming. why would I say that?

for a massage at a spa, the price for 1hr is 40-50/hr. the full nude massage, 4G roaming is to justify the additional 50/hr. so I cannot agree with previous bro posting that the ml by not allowing nipple sucking, licking of boobs is being professional. on the other hand, I feel that at 100/hr some even 110/hr, and not allow customers licking and sucking,no 4G roaming, I think that it is way over priced. which brings me to what I have been banging on the drum recently, the whole ml experience in Singapore is getting screwed up. Overpriced, photoshopped mls who more often than not disappoint when u see them in person, substandard services. And , in true, I cant really blame these mls. IF there is any guilty party responsible for these mess up ml market, I guess the biggest party is the customers ourselves.

just a personal experience, few days ago, I visited a ml who wanted to charge me additional 30 for boobs fuck. holy cow! 30 on top of the 100 is 130 for 1 hour. really? I rejected the idea without even thinking. because I believe if I took up this offer, the next thing I know , other mls will start charging additional for boobs fuck. and this is how the price escalate.

so fellow chiongsters, once again , I appeal to u, always think of what and how ur actions will encourage the behaviour of these ml. Our behaviours are equally , if not more important than any other factor when it comes to the setting of price behaviours by these ml.