Np bro Javabeans, repost as much as you want
The security guard you just walk in like the tenants can liao. If not at most just smoke him with a random unit no. I think the day time guard half heck care de. If at nite then maybe Mint will instruct you hw to get in
Originally Posted by Javabeans
Bro, hope u dun mind i repost your MR here as we know the ML threads will mostly be deleted after they have RTC. I am hesitate to visit due to the security guard.
Driver gantry but the side gate is not remote controlled de so... Only 1 way in.. But as above she will instruct you if u are struck at the guard there.
Originally Posted by Diehard88
The security check is for driver or side door walk in too
Sorry to hear that bro.
Maybe you just wait awhile for the heat to simmer abit before you rtm loh.
I think if you make a effort to book her. Ur effort will be repaid de when you did managed to book her
Phenomenal is an understatement

Try it and you know it.
Originally Posted by kilrein
Haha, bro, 你不了解我,I am just a poor old henpecked uncle who got to standby on weekends to double up as the maid at home for the CO.
Mint is phenomenal... And quite unforgettable.