Originally Posted by need_it
Out of curiosity, would any bro here still patronize MLs if you hear of their lodgings being subject to potential fishing by cops (supposedly) unsuccessfully? Meaning that customer and another guy approach accommodation, made call to unit and ML realizes she is being fished and promptly rejects the appointment. Would such MLs be high risk? Just wanna know the risk factor there. Thanks!
I would stay far away if i were you ! Especially FP , Small India, Rangoon and RC roads. These areas have the most concentration of PRC MLs. Don't believe me, try driving down the above few roads between 10pm to 2am and spot those unmarked vehicles. Couple of times I spotted twice the same vehicle with 2 men on talkies parked next to the famous Chinese Temple and rubbish bin. No need to tell you exactly which ang pai ML house is.
Plus the usual suspect areas like PP, TB , KK and B areas. Which has always been prime target areas.
I kena fly aeroplane a few times at B area. Arrived early and called the ML. She asked me to wait but i kind of spotted someone peering out of the curtain and next thing she said cancel appointment.
If you look at some of the MLs accomodation areas, even though they may stay in a private condominium, the moment any white mice operations in place, even with secure codes to open the gate, they can move in very quickly and follow you up to the ML unit.
Those electronic gates that are controlled by remote car alarm type of controls, can be easily duplicated. A housing agent friend of mine has a few master controls that can open almost any condo gates ! Talk about secluded and discreet location ?!?
These days , many neighbours just quietly go online to lodge a e-report with all the details required.
Its up to you to believe what I've said.