Originally Posted by osamalee
Bro can share your experience how is it like inside? I scared later walk in alone the people there machiam see a gold pig to slaughter LOL. I solo thailand joints and the mafias there are no joke in some places.
^ Well I'll try to keep it simple. Walk in, grab your magic bracelet from the receptionist and on to the locker room area. You can change to the provided shorts if you want to use the facilities (jacuzzi, sauna, steam room) or you can just tell them you want massage straight away and they'll lead you upstairs.
It was busy when I was there so a lady staff asked me to wait at the lounge (pretty cozy place). Saw some other customers looking at the provided service menu list. When the lady staff came back to me, she straight away asked me if I have any request. Told her good strong massage and hopefully SYT

She didn't offer me any pricing and just confirmed with me that I want 3 sessions, and I agreed. Tried to persuade me into getting VIP room but I said no. She then asked me if I want any extras such as hot stones, told her why not. Price then confirmed at 430k (3 sessions) + 85k (hot stone). Off she went and waited some more.
After a while she came back saying they're ready for me. Grabbed me by arm and led me to 3rd floor. Into the room (more like gorgeous cubicle really), the SYT was already waiting there. Cut story short, deed is done. The SYT did ask me how much I wanted to pay her for a HJ. Told her I never bring any money upstairs (and its true because I put everything in the locker) and mentioned to her it should be included. She relented and did it anyway.
Session done, you go back down, continue using the facilities or can just go back out to the receptionist. Pay up and off you go a (hopefully) happy man.
The place doesn't look intimidating at all, no scary bouncers or such. When I was there the customers were in groups and solos, you should be fine. Good luck and have fun!