Originally Posted by juneboy
today booked Eunice for 2 hours, but someone claimed to be her bf  keep calling her non-stop, very annoying  , luckily she silent the phone and put outside the room, and her serviced still as good 
Yea that irritating bastard was calling non stop as well during my session , she was so pissed to the point she wanted to throw the phone on the ground.
Please ah , to the so called BF if you're reading this , you've already fallen into the depths of KC trap liao without noticing. For god sake please don't carry on with your nonsense anymore and be a pest to everyone including the girl.
What she want is to earn money , not your disgusted sweet valentine's love. If you can't afford the love she wanted then just be a man and walk away.
Can't say that I've thoroughly enjoyed the session because I had to pacify her to calm down but she's still the same hot sexy lass that every guy craves for.