MR from 3 days ago... Messaged at least 5 MLs from Tier 1, but all full....

Not comfortable with unfamiliar MLs without faces but couldn't resist messaging Alisa aka Abby aka Cooling (Why do they have to change their names so many times?!?!) for the last attempt. Jackpot...
Location: Central NE area. New place to me. 10 mins walk from nearest MRT. Secluded and nice. Said she just move in a few days ago.
Looks: 6.5/10. Looks young and decent. More like an ah lian to me. Lol... Not as chio as I hoped though, but not bad either.
Figure: 7/10. Not for boobs lover. But decent enough for a grab.. Young and smooth skin.
Roaming: 7/10. Allowed roaming with panties on. Prickly at the bottom

She stopped my hand from sliding in to pluck a hair or 2...
HJ: 7/10. Opted for 2 shots. 1st job is pretty standard, but relaxing. Suck and lick your nips while jerking you off. Pretty surprised that I can go for the 2nd time after her JG!
JG: 8/10. Or is it Prostate Health Care? I assume they are the same.. Didn't realize she provide this service which is a pleasant surprise. Totally soothing and nice... I can do it all day!
Massage: 8/10. Oil massage. Appropriate strength... Will ask if the strength is ok. Really soothed my muscles.
Attitude/GFE: 7.5/10. Cheerful with some ah lian temperament... Fun to chat. Loves to joke and tease too. She is ttentive too.
RTM: Yes. I enjoyed her company and her JG. Was pretty surprised that I can come a 2nd time because Mint excels her in looks, figure and playability, but I can only come once with her.. Perhaps of the JG and chemistry? Alisa is a safe bet imo!
- Not that I can think of. Pretty acceptable in all areas imo. How about the misleading photo that seemed to push up her cup size?? Lol... What you see is not what you get.