Normally, I would avoid booking girls with blurred faces, especially presently there are so many girls using fake photos. However, the number of positive reports on Chaste and her sexy hot figures on her page made me curious about her. Finally, decided to give her a try yesterday. What I can say with positive affirmation is that the old saying curiosity kills the cat does not apply here especially from tiger's den.
I only write FRs for those that truly deserve it, and she definitely deserves a round of applause; it is extremely hard to find a gem like her anymore. She is the very embodiment of the phrase
Made a appointment through SMS and was located to her area. Location is awesome.Ample carpark and extremely accessible via our favourite form of public transport, yet definitely discreet.
When I enter her room, I was greeted by a natural beauty GND look. She politely told me where to put all my barang and handed me a towel. A very friendly and chatty girl with the best possible service attitude. She would chat with you while she works hard to give you a proper massage, which both help you to destress and feel relaxed.
Strength is just nice as I’m quite meaty, so I prefer a fairly hard massage. Throughout the massage, she asked me twice if her strength was all right. It was great. To be honest, she was so chatty and got me speaking so comfortably that I honestly didn’t remember much of her massage. The sensual massage was equally enjoyable. The feel of her near naked body (panties on) rubbing against mine during the catbath made me feel damn shiok, and the feel of her soft hands pulling, carressing and thugging at my didi during HDLY made me almost surrender, and I finally did when she performed her one kind killing HJ move which I can't describe. She helped me clean up and told me to take a rest. While I was gaining back my energy, she disappeared into the attached toilet briefly to clean herself.
When she returned, I thought she was going to tell me to wash up, and it was time to leave, which is the usual case for many MLs, including some ang pais. But Instead, she laid down next to me in my embrace, and started to play with my didi, while we chatted about personal topics. For some unknown reason, this was the highlight of the entire session for me, because it made me feel that I was spending time not with a ML, but my own girlfriend. There was zero commercial feel, and I could easily fall in love with her right then.
Ordinarily I would end each MR with ratings of the ML, but with Chaste, I don’t think I can give any ratings objectively. She’s really quite a special girl whom I click very well with, even though this was my first visit. Will RTM for sure.