Originally Posted by sengdingsheng
bro, I believe in mkt forces too and but the OKTs are distorting mkt force. They are coordinating price increase across the board while we are just suckers ... What I KPKB is not $120 but $120 across the board because everyone think they deserve it
All OKTs do is get a new ML to charge a high price, no prior MR, get a few clones/suckers to write some MR and if the MLS are just ok ok , suddenly they will get a bunch of us paying premium price for ok ok only service..
why should we pay high price and then they drop their price later if they CMI. WHy cant they prove themselves with good service first and then later the ang pais increase price..
Most of us are not cheapo but we wan to get our Money worth.. 95% of the time blurred pics and actual faces dun match..
ya agreed.. its not the $10 issues, its the across the board increas that will eventually become the norm..
Good ang pai, pay $150 I also song, sucky ML give them $50 I also feel disgusted...
i agree this is largely true and thats how the OKTs think should happen..
4D/ToTo just try our luck because they dun put photos
Based on my very limited knowledge of Economics, I would say that the price increases are not market driven. There are so many girls around, or should I say there is ample supply of girls to choose from to meet the market demand, hence prices should not increase sharply as what we are witnessing the past year or so. I agree with Bro Forumer that there's some form of price-fixing that is taking place, just like what petrol stations do. When Mobil up prices by 3 cents, Shell will follow almost immediately, then Caltex and SPC. So when Little Tiger started pricing the girls at $110, soon Shenhua and the others follow. Then Little Tiger starts to price certain girls at $120, others start to follow suit.
The issue is how then can we force the webmasters to lower prices, just like petrol prices do come down?