Haven't visited a non-rtm ML for a while so shortlisted a few.
YanYan was one of them and I added her wechat. Frankly speaking some of her pics in her moments didn't appeal to me and I procrastinated. But then those pics looked "untouched" so I reckoned it can't be worse than meeting those heavily mtxx ones in person. With a fair bit of teasing over wechat, I decided to check her out.
Typical NE area with ample parallel parking opposite. MRT is quite far off and bus service super limited. It used to be quite quiet but recent visits can feel slight surge in human traffic... I got a few weird stares from passers-by.
Rather new with automated keypad gate. Been in the the same room before with a ML that rtc, still quite clean with attached shared bath. Stole a glance at her flatmate from same stable, petite type and not too bad looking.
Showered alone and after towel dried asked me 1x or 2x. Asked to lie face down, pillow not covered with towel so used my arms throughout as buffer. Press press massage not impressionable and after she suggested to apply oil for stroke stroke type which was slightly better. She was already topless during this part.
Sensual started with BM on my oily back, I am more of a visual person so no comments. Flipped over and continued with brief BM with her already oiled boobs. HJ was unhurried with her lying at my side licking my nipples; I managed to to kiss her breast/nipples too (don't wanna suck or lick cos oily). Roaming outside panties met with some "playful" resistance.
As mentioned earlier, no rude surprise in the looks department as she looked similar to some of her wechat pictures. Her face seemed wider though and she acknowledged that. Not chio type but pleasant looking enough. Body wise waist up I thought was quite appealing. Her skin looked the 白理透紅 type & I especially liked her racks - wide area B+s naturally held up & with cute nips. She was not the slim type, larger frame sized but not plump. The rest I didn't notice.
Friendly bubbly girl with hardly any dull moments. Teasing was not too bad and interactive. Rather fun session I must say.
Time management:
In/out in 50 mins.
She mentioned about going on a break soon.
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder" or maybe not?
RTM likely but not too high priority cos I reckon fun moments should go stale quickly.