Originally Posted by bkkjun
The first was a friend,followed by my current gf not exgf ,and the FL is a fuck buddy...
haha ya, when things don't work up, some people call the woman a "friend" or best.. "god sister" after that. Or when kanna cheated but don't want to admit, jus tell urself u're doing "charity" to make urself feel better... i understand lah. haha
Originally Posted by bkkjun
I do not see a occurring phase anywhere...
haha all 3 are so call "pooying kang kuen". U know what that means? haha
Originally Posted by bkkjun
To shed some light into some newbies into bookmaking as well as soccer living,there are people capable of buying cars,houses and many other things with the income they drew from such professions. Compared to them,i humbly dare not broadcast myself as a expert.To u,i maybe ...but i never said once i was a expert...since i do not earn 20k or something a month from such dealings.So u called them what? Gods???
hell, if 1 dare declare he is able to CONFIRM GUARANTEE make S$20k a month from soccer bettings, i'll call him god.. why not? CONFIRM GUARANTEE can make S$2001 every month from soccer betting is good enough also leh.. why not? But i don't see anyone stepping out to make this kinda declaration except u leh? How come huh?
Originally Posted by bkkjun
I think u are the one in doubt,always mixing jokes with facts.That is why u always cunfused.Did not u see u keep repeating posting old posts that had been answered?I do not see doubts from other bros when they PM me...they rather be talking about other things,since i already clarified here..*LOL
Who are the other bros who PM u? U mean they can understand why a "ABAC" graduated girl who has rich parents and has no financial worries will go work in a AGOGO bar in NANA jus because her friends invited her to? Wow, amazing... am I the only one who lost my common senses then?