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Old 22-11-2016, 12:00 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
i think times has changed mls r no longer popular . It's only this thread that helping the mls to maintain their high price fully clothed handjobs service which quite unattractive.

Whether the off menus services r mentioned here are no longer important the current batch of fls with versatility to massage and fj r much prettier than mls. Ani mint r ex fls and already quite outdated.

Other than ken , senior samsters seldom come here to look for mls cos they all know what like in the good old days of fl2.
Agree - to a certain extent.

WLs in general, whether she is a ML, FL or other type of WL, will always have appeal. Appeal to who? Appeal to those think they are being treated like kings and princes; appeal to those who think the ML is their girlfriend; appeal to those who find a particular ML attractive (remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder); appeal to those who think they are getting a good deal for $80, $100, $150 or whatever amount is paid. To the extent described above, MLs are popular. But, in the general context, yes, MLs have lost their shine. Reasons -

(1) FLs converting to MLs - in most cases, these FLs do not know how to give a massage. Instead, they tease and give huge doses of GFE. To top it off, they open their legs/mouth. Some brothers are so smitten that they forget that they were there for a massage.

(2) Dishonest advertising - we have heard/read and some of us have experienced fully-clothed MLs, MLs who are advertised as being in their 20's but in person are in the 40's. MLs who are advertised as being able to do wonders to your body but end up playing piano.

(3) value for money - I have not done the research but I think it is safe to say that on average, one would need to pay $100 for 60 minutes of massage plus HJ/BJ/FJ or whatever other job the ML is supposed to do. However, more often than not, most (not necessarily all) of us get short-changed - whether it is by 10, 15, 20 or more minutes, by the type of service, by the environment, etc.

I am sure there are more reasons but I suspect the above might be the main reasons.

On the topic of ang-pais, again to each his own la. This is very subjective. A ML is only an ang-pai if we make her one. I admit I have never gone out of the way to try an ang-pai. If it so happens that I fancy her (from her advertisement) and she is available, so be it, but I don't make it a point to purposely make an appointment to try her. I guess it is because I have been here for a while (perhaps not as long as others but still a good number of years) and I have seen/heard/read about more ang-pais than I can remember. To me, at the end of the day, it is all about money. If you throw enough money at your favourite ML you will get the service that the ang-pais give and more. So, any ML can be your ang-pai.

Just my 2 cents....
