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Old 12-02-2017, 04:17 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by orangepeach View Post
Hello bros new here. Dunno can ask ornot pai seh if cannot.Can ask if there is a detailed guide and FAQ about going to MLs? Like how to book and what to expect of their sop. Then what happens if i shoot too easily cuz 1st time ar. What if i shoot when she massaging me halfway?What happens nex? Sry ah bros hope you all dont mind newbie asking here
Selection Process:

After you find the ML you want, see how many HJ they give you, and price, and what not. Check the MR on the compilation for reference. Compare the latest "good review" and the latest "bad review", then check the previous postings for the bros that posted the "good" and the "bad" and determine for yourself if you can trust their MR.

Booking via Text/WeChat/Call:

Bookings are usually booked 1 or 2 days in advance, some can even book same day because no business. Note thou, very few these days need 2 days in advance already as business is bad. Only one particular ML needs almost 1 week in advance as she's very popular amongst SBF chiongsters.

You can use this as a gauge also if your ML will be good or not. Good means many return customers, means harder to book. However got some ML are very free one, but they will still make you wait a day or two as a new customer, so that you think they are some hidden gem AP (Ang Pai/红牌), so that when you post MR for them you will talk about how packed their schedule is and how lucky you are so as to give the general impression they are hard to book.

After you contact them, then wait for their reply. Please use a prepaid SIM if you don't want your personal line to be tracked or spammed one way or another.

Booking Confirmation:

If you are a new bird, they will usually post your number in some WeChat group ask if your number got problem or not. If no problem, they still might or might not reply you depending on their mood and whether they find you too rude in the way you text or not.

Once booking confirmed, they will give you a general address, either condo or massage shop. If you have qualms about going to massage shop, ask them first if it's massage shop. Go about 5-10 minutes before your booked timing.

Actual Day:

Please do not talk to any security guard asking them how to go to the address given or ask them where to park.

Be smart about what is considered discrete and don't loiter around outside.

Don't be blur like some bros who stand infront of condo gate and call or come 10-20 minutes early and walk up and down the condo gate until time's up then "suddenly remember the code to their house" and go press gate combi key.

It sounds silly the way I describe it, but when you see it in real life, you will find it 10 times sillier.
Wait somewhere discretely and text or call them telling them you have arrived. If you want, you can also give them a general description of what you are wearing so they can ID you easier.

Once they have successfully IDed you and checked that you have no one following, provided you are not wearing your policeman uniform, and you do not look like the long lost brother of blacklisted bros whose pictures they circulate, they will give you the correct address and instructions on how to find their apartment.

After you reach their apartment floor, just go to the door and open it. Usually it's already opened for you or just knock lightly and they will open it for you. Do not press the doorbell as some doorbells are so loud they alert the entire floor.

Rejection and Payment Matters:

After you see how she look like, before anything starts, if not gam, just politely make up some excuse like you forgot to bring money, you enter wrong apartment, or you booked wrong girl. If they ask for rejection money, refuse and just leave, then come here post and warn us about it.

If gam, and you about to proceed, some will ask for money upfront, this is your warning bell about the service level you will get, and most seasoned bros here would just leave. Give half first if you still keen to proceed and the rest after the deed, if they are not agreeable even to that, then just leave and don't waste your time.

Usually they collect payment after everything is over, but they won't outright ask as they want to be polite and leave a favorable impression. You are however expected to pay before you leave.

Fun Times:

You are expected to shower before and after, either by yourself, or assisted, depending on what they advertised.

At this point, some will ask you if you want 1 or 2 times. Usually 2 times never add extra money one, even for those that advertise as one time, after your 2nd visit they will provide 2 times FOC. Key word is "usually". If you think you cannot tahan or will let go early, then opt for 2 times.

For 1st HJ, if I cannot come within 5-10 minutes, usually I will ask them to forget it and just go to massage and finish with the HJ later. Many bros also find it hard to come on 1st HJ especially if they just straight away rub and tug without building up some intimacy via the "massage" portion, so no shame in that. Some ML for 1st HJ won't strip and will do it fully clothed and only 1 position. 2nd HJ then they give their best effort. So keep that in mind.

For 1 HJ types, once you come, it's over, they hand you your towel and ask you go shower. Some ML will give you a head massage after you shower if time isn't up yet but that's the exception rather than the norm. Some won't even bother and will just sit there play with phone until you shower finish and wait for you to pass them the money then show you the door.


As to tips, depends on yourself. Those 10 dollars add up, I personally don't give unless it's really something special. Save those 10 dollars 11 times and you get to go another time free. Comparatively I've never had an ML gave me free session simply because I gave more tips. Thou some bros have reported getting FJ from some of the hot AP after a few sessions where they pay almost up to double the hour rate and for up to many hours per session. Your mileage will vary, thou I strongly suggest you just save the money.

Before you leave, don't open the door directly. Check your belongings, you don't want to come back for things you left behind. All OK then let the ML open the door. They will check if any neighbours around, or something. Sometimes got some neighbours stand at corridor talk on phone for 30 minutes, you're stuck with the ML till then.

If coast is clear, the ML will let you know, then you exit based on what method the ML ask you to. Sometimes they ask you take the stairs so you don't bump into another bro taking the lift. I personally prefer to take the stairs if it isn't like ten stories up, but some the exit at the bottom is not so simple, so if ML asks you take lift, then you take lift.

Post Massage Field Reports:

Please post a MR about your experience especially if you try a new girl so that other bros here can benefit as per how you benefited. Ratings not really needed as my ten and your ten and another bro's ten are all different. Locations no need to share beyond the basic like is it condo or massage shop, is it clean and if got parking as most seasoned bros here know where all the usual places are already and the police not paying you to do their job anyway.


During your session, please do not share what you've read on whose and whose MR and what which bro said about them. You might think that by sharing they think you're their hero and give you special service, but fifty other bros already done that before you without getting anything free, you're not that special one today.

By sharing info with them, you only play into their hands because they will craft some story and hope you post some nice things about them and come to their defense. Again, it's a business strategy, bad MR doesn't exactly bring good business.

Worse still you post things they tell you and you only, and they find out your nick due to other bros Intel to them, then your personal number becomes identifiable and risk being exposed by other bros here, especially if you didn't take my advice on using a throw away number.

Last edited by faithless; 13-02-2017 at 10:34 AM. Reason: Formatting clean up for easier reading. Removed unnecessary stuff.