Thread: F a i t h
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Old 04-07-2017, 12:00 PM
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Re: F a i t h

"Ooi!” Andy called out, waving his hand at my face, “Dreaming ar? Have or not?”

“Huh? Have what?”

“Lighter la!” Andrew became impatient too.

“Haha,” I laughed at myself and dug for the lighter in my pocket, “Nah, they are coming down liao still want to smoke ar? You not scared ar?”

“Relax la. It’s holiday man,” Andy replied.

“I don’t need to be scared because Sandra’s not here, haha. If you don’t want, you can stay and look after the car lo, bye.” Andrew said and walked to a corner with Andy after passing me the car key.

After closing the boot and locking the car I ran after them, “Ooi, wait lei!” I had succumbed to the monster in me. My ladies have been telling me to quit and they even bought me a book – Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr and a beautiful box full of different kind of sweets; asking me to pop one in if I felt like smoking. I managed to stop totally for a couple of weeks but started to feed the monster in me during one night out with the guys. No one is to be blamed but myself. I am still sticking to 3 sticks per day.

Luckily the ladies, along with Keane, came down to meet us after we bathed ourselves in the body spray Andrew had in his car and we were on our way to the airport with high spirit, except for Andrew. He was whining and cursing about how he almost made it for the trip but had to cancel it due to work.

After dropping us at the departure hall, Andrew went off after reminding Andy and I about his SYT, which we totally ignored.

It felt really great to be at the airport knowing that we were the one taking the plane and not just dropping or fetching someone else. However, my last non-holiday trip to the airport was an long awaited one because I was waiting eagerly for my baby, who I missed terribly, to come home to me.

The day, which Faith was coming home from Beijing, finally came after days of waiting. It was a Thursday and her flight was around 11:45pm. Kate wanted to join me to surprise her but I had soccer that night and it was easier for me to fetch her myself after that. So Kate dropped the idea.

After showering at the soccer venue, I slowly made my way to the airport. I was still very early despite deliberately dragging my time. So I settled down at a café in Terminal 2 and waited.

The last 10 minutes of counting down was really torturing. I tried not to think of it and focused on surfing net on my phone. Finally the baggage conveying sign appeared beside the flight Faith was on. I knew she was going to appear from behind the wall any minute now. I quickly stood up, walked to the railing and waited for my baby to appear. Among the crowd there was a familiar male figure. It was Ryan.

Hmmm…didn’t know he’s on the trip as well.

And soon after, Faith appeared.

Perhaps I thought too much or maybe the fact that we are not registered couple intimidated me. I stepped back. Hid among the waiting crowd and observed.

What am I doing? I should have more faith in her. I should have more confident in myself.

Laughing at my own silly action, I detached myself from the crowd and found a sparsely crowded spot at the back and waved my arms frantically high in the air.

Ryan saw me. He knew it was me. He said something to Faith who was searching in the crowd in front of me, she waved back at me with the same energy, and she ran. She ran passed the baggage conveyer belt but slowed down at the bag checking point. She picked up her pace again, ignoring all the stares set upon her and straight to me. Leaped onto me with her legs wrapped around my waist and shouted, “Baby!” She gave me a huge kiss and launched her attack with a series of mini kisses all over me as promised. “I missed you so much,” she exclaimed.

“Hahaha, ok ok. Everyone’s watching!”

“I don’t care. Let them watch for all they want.”

“And you don’t even want your luggage?” I said while dodging her kisses.

“My colleagues. Will. Help me.” She said in between her attack.

Colleagues? With a “S”?

“Ok ok.” I pleaded and cupped her head from behind, pressing it down on my shoulder. “I missed you too, baby,” I said, squeezing her tightly.

“Me too. So…so much.”

“Hi Patrick, nice to see you again. Nah, Faith your bags.” Ryan said with a smile, placing Faith’s luggage by our side. I was surprised to see a lady standing next to him, giggling at us with Ryan.

Faith jumped down from me and said, “Hey, thanks Ryan.”

The lady stretched out her hand to me and said, “Hi, you must be Patrick. Faith’s been talking about you throughout the trip. I’m Renée, by the way, haha.”

“Hi Renée. Did she? Why do I have a bad feeling about it?” I said and looked at Faith who was putting her hands behind her like a guilty child, swaying left to right gently.

“Hahaha, nothing to worry. She has been home sick. But more like love sick to me. Anyway, nice meeting you. See you around.”

I offered to send them back but Renée’s boyfriend was on his way and they could drop Ryan. So Faith and I proceed back home. On our way back home, Faith was telling me about her trip and kept singing Renée’s praises but nothing about Ryan. I took a chance and asked, “You keep talking about Renée but how’s Ryan?”

“He’s ok ar. Nothing much to talk about what. Why lei?”

“You didn’t tell me that he’s on the trip too before you left.”

“Important? Why? Worried ar?” Faith said and leaned towards me, supporting herself on the middle compartment, looking at me.

I took a glance at her and back to watch the road ahead, I said, “Why are you looking at me like that? Not worried la. What’s there to worry?”

“Then why are you asking?” Faith said and continued looking at me with her big eyes.

“Aiyah, just a casual question la.”

“Jealous ar, baby? Hehehe. Worried that he might snatch me away from you?”

“Please lo, no la. I’m very confident with myself ok? No worries at all. What’s there to be jealous about? Just that, I didn’t hear from you that he’s going too mah. Was surprised to see him.”

Faith leaned back on her seat and said, “Chey…office asked him to join us last minute la because he had been working on a part of the project for quite some time and thought he would be useful during meetings. He joined us only on the second day.”

I felt a little relieve to hear this piece of information.

“You don’t have to worry a bit ok, baby. Like I’ve said, in my heart there’s only place for you.” Faith assured me and rested her head on my arm, wrapping her hands around it.

My heart warmed up upon hearing that and gave her a kiss on her forehead, I whispered, “Love you baby.”

I had always felt guilty towards Faith as I could not assure her with a name. I could not give her a status so she can call herself Mrs Ong. There can be only one Mrs Ong, and that is Kate.

Some time back, I wanted to buy a ring for Faith, as a symbol of my love to her. Although Kate gave me the green light to be with Faith, I cannot help but to feel a little uneasy whenever I wanted to do things for Faith like a husband would do. Simple things like buying her some presents to surprise her would take me days to consider. Small little inexpensive things set aside but rings that could cost up to thousands; that is something that need some considerations. What kind of impact will I leave on Kate? Should I ask for permission from Kate? If I do not, would Kate get jealous? If I do, would she feel imbalance? Eventually, I dropped the idea.

Before going back home, we stopped somewhere near our house for supper, Teochew porridge. It was near 1am when we finally reach home. By the time we reached home, Kate and Keane had slept. Faith went into the nursery, wanting to check on Keane but he was not there. We went into my room and there he was, sleeping on my bed with Kate.

“Uh oh, guess I need to sleep in the other room already,” Faith whispered. It is not uncommon that Keane sleeps on my bed with Kate. During the days when he is cranky, only to settle him in our room could appease him.

“It’s ok la, I’ll carry him back to his room.”

“No no no no,” she breathed out at the top of her whisper, waving her hand at me and added, “You’ll wake him up. It’s ok, I’ll sleep in the guest room. I’ll unpack first.”

Being a light sleeper, Kate woke up and the two ladies chatted as I went for my shower for the second time that night. When I came out from the bathroom, Kate was back to sleep and Faith was not in the room. Concerned, I went to check on her.