Hey people, I have a suggestion... or maybe just a thought.
I've just noticed that there is a new function added to the forum, where we are now allowed to delete our own replies/posts. By having this new function, can we urge/request the advertisers to redo their "bumper" programs to self-delete the old "bumper" posts? I understand that it is their kind wish to "bump" up their threads, but those "bumper" posts are just too irritating. Now they even "bump" the sticky threads... WTFLOL.
The benefit, of course, is for our convenience to post FRs/comments back on the thread which a ML/FL belongs to. Such organization would provide great help for us to search and access information.
Currently, I notice that there are two problems for us to access information in this TCSS thread.
(1) FRs are unorganized. Although Bro Javabeans has spent a tremendous effort to compile the FRs, as the number of FRs grow many, it becomes more difficult for him to handle this manually.
(2) The search function always return results that do not point to the correct posts.
If the advertisers can do a kind favor to redevelop their "bumper" program to self-delete the old "bumper" posts, I believe FRs/comments can be organized much better by being posted back on the designated thread. This TCSS thread can still be used for TCSS. The compilation threads, can also be maintained more easily... if Bro Javabeans still wishes to continue.
Just my two cents.