Originally Posted by damnation89
Whats with the FLs/MLs nowadays? Msged afew today for rough location
1 of them wants me to call her to 'verify' ,
another msged me back with something along the lines of 'Haven't confirm booking already want her address?'
and another ask me if I am fishing for the police , told her No? and she gave me the address. (What the fuck is the point of this? Police could have easily answered no too)
Usually you have to more or less confirm your timing and slot/booking before anyone will give you their address, real, fake or otherwise. The ones that reply like that either are new to Singapore and thus not sure of what's nearby, or really not worth the effort one. The seasoned and good ones would have known to reply with rough location once you confirm your timing.
Typical SOP for a ML when they decide whether to accept a booking depends on whether you have already stated your date and timing in your original message. If you didn't mention, and if they are the type that can easily fill up their time slots one, they usually don't bother to reply.
Most of the hot AP, especially if they have been recently mentioned in this thread (hence why some OKT will come post fake MR here), can easily get like 50-70 messages a day, of which they can fill 9-10 slots up with regulars no problem and then will just ignore all other messages or mention they are fully booked.
The seasoned ones will usually leave 1-2 time slots available a day (1 odd unpopular hour, 1 popular evening hour, for example) for new customers, instead of all regulars only, to ensure they can maintain a stream of new recurring regulars.
If you stated your date and time, most will then put your number in a wechat group they have joined that's set up either by the webmaster they advertise with, or some middle man, or their own close sisters.
This is where then a central list maintained by a person or bot will check your number and reply with a comment of either "хов" (customer) which means normal customer with no problems or other misc comments like "drunk", "drug addict", "garbage", "cheapskate", "thief", "troublemaker".
This is also the reason why after booking some ML, you will immediately receive an SMS advertising some gambling or ML website. It's because there are other bots in the same chat harvesting these numbers posted.
If no replies by the central person or bot, then is either a new SIM card number, or new bird customers, which some overly careful MLs would not even consider taking at all.
If you are listed as ok, they will then reply you with if timing is available or if the time slot you want is taken and either reply you with another time slot, or wait for you to choose another time slot.
You then need to reply to confirm your booking, before they will give you their rough address. This is also the funny part because some of them don't understand english at all, but suddenly their instructions is in clear solid english better than a jc student lol or a mix of chinese with english translations accompanying. These are usually written by another customer or their local contact for them to copy and paste.
Try to reach there with ample time. Usually say if I end work at x hour, I will make my booking for x+2 hour so no matter where it is, I know I can reach the usual locations within this time frame with ample time even if I have to OT, and to have dinner and relax and wait.
If you reach early, just message them about 15 minutes before your slot that you are here and wait for them to reply you with further instructions. This works in your favour as usually the walking around for them to identify you, plus giving you instructions on how to enter their place will eat a substantial amount of time, and if you reach on the dot, it's going to eat into your own time. The other plus side is if they don't have any customer before you, they will also usually reply you faster so you can go up faster and you might get more "extra" time for free.