Originally Posted by JasonJG
Excellent discovery indeed! The MR was definitely for Feel. I don't recycle MR and i've not visited Mint/Sara for almost two years. I last visited her on 1 Jan 2016, while the date of the recycled MR on her page wss 13 Nov 2017. I can remember the date exactly because she said 我是你2016年的第一个女人 during the session. I can only guess that the webmaster of SLG cut and pasted my MR for Feel onto Mint/Sara‘s page, or someone else just copied the MR wholesale for Mint/Sara.
P. S. I've nothing against Mint/Sara, it's just that I stopped visiting her when the novelty was gone.
Thanks for the clarification, bro. I have always enjoyed reading your detailed review so can easily recognise it is posted again for another ML after reading the one for Feel. Hope you can continue to contribute here.