Well, different MR, diff girl, same building, EK, the usual 2 main sites both have her listing, go check there. Don't know what the E and the K stand for, didn't ask.
Looks wise, reminds me of a prettier Nina. No offense to anyone. Nina originally was recommended by Special Spawner, so you would know is worth to try at least once. I tried before, service really is up there, just the looks just not really that gam with me that much, hence didn't post any MR on her.
This EK thou, is prettier. Looks similar, but way prettier. Interest piqued originally by
post from LoveGru because few ML have dimples. Dimples, smile, checked out in person, true to MR. Playability is high, no southern roaming thou, not allowed by her, not even through curtain. Nipples are really small and cute. Kissing didn't try.
For me to enjoy, before I even consider RTM, usually need at least 2 out of 4 criteria,
1. Looks.
2. Southern Roaming.
3. Kissing.
4. Nipples sucking.
This one fulfills #1 and one other. Read my MR, and do the maths on what's allowed.
To be honest, this girl really quite playable and fun to talk to. A bit of cheekiness. Think this one is right up Special Spawner's lane as he really likes these new to ML industry type girls, reminds me a bit of Notti, another of my favorite recommended by him originally.
Thou this EK, she only has one more month or so left going by my maths on how long she has already been here.