If you have been to An Xin’s place in recent times, you would have noticed:
1) The numerous bottles of liquor n wine. Seems she party hard with her friends and perhaps some rich bro as well who have been bringing the booze
2) Her ULTRA expensive set of skincare products. Your La Mer, La Prairie easily costs hundreds per item. The whole set is worth thousands.
3) Those bags and bags of Eu Yan Sang tonic.
If one has a rich sugar daddy splurging on her, either she slackens or gotta keep a lower profile, limits the sensual a little to prevent sensational reviews from appearing and making the sugar daddy unhappy right?
Originally Posted by Blu3
Actually the more business minded they are, then likely to have a consistent level of standard and professional. Huan Huan and her cousin Tian Niu are good examples. Tian Niu lasted 6 months. Same for Laura and Mint.
Say otherwise for MLs that have priorities in other aspects like having a rich boyfriend, having fun. Focus is lost and of course service standards drop. Who will work hard if they have sugar daddies.
The prettier the ML the more obvious this trend is going to be. Past forumhistory proves this. Haha. Not being specific here but just a comment in general.