Originally Posted by SMRTLTD
Aiya standard la if the ML knows you keep RTM her, would she be incentivized to maintain or improve her level of service to you, because you'd eventually keep coming back? Roaming restrictions already advertised beforehand ma so why expect something different unless the ML offers something else to you on her own volition?
Complacency and take for granted are human traits lor.
End of the day unless the customer is a big tipper or the ML really take a fancy at him, most of the MLs will slack by 3rd or 4th visit, especially if regularly visit her.
Typical slack items i experienced:
1. No more shower together
2. Massage efforts diminished greatly
3. Use hp VERY freely
4. HJ if take too long start to whine
Truth is no matter how regular we go to them, at most we take up 2 to 3 hours of their slots a week, the popular ones have no problem to replace us easily even if we don't go to them anymore, so naturally most will just slack off unless you are truly $pecial or they kena KC by you.