Re: Incest & Taboos Epics
"You will give me what I want. If you don't, I'll tell everyone you raped me in here. Are you strong enough to deal with prison life?" 妹 said, putting her status as a girl to good use.
卓昌 shut his eyes, rubbed his forehead with his right hand, hoping 妹 was playing a harsh prank on him.
If he had sex with 妹, he would be being unfaithful to his girlfriend 飒飒.
If he didn't have sex with 妹, the cruel girl would create a false rape accusation that would lead to him dealing with brutal guards and brutal inmates in a prison.
For 卓昌, the event that would not lead to him going to prison was the better option.
He opened his eyes, took a trembling breath as warm rage flooded his body. He longed to slam 妹's face into the sink until people wouldn't recognize her it.
"Just... tell me what you want me to do. I'll do it." 卓昌 said before turning to fact 妹. 妹 pointed in the restroom stall's direction closest to the door. "Get in the stall closest to the door."
卓昌 emitted a heavy sigh.
妹 slapped his ass hard when 卓昌 walked past her. She said, "Don't give me a attitude, bitch."
Inside the toilet stall closest to the door, 卓昌 stood a three inches from the wall, clenching and unclenching his fists as the stall's door remained open.
He tapped his right foot against the floor as he waited for 妹 to have sex with him.
Two minutes passed.
妹 moved into the stall, locked it.
Close to 卓昌, 妹 let the boy's cologne's aroma move through her nostrils. The aroma smelt as great as 卓昌's attractiveness.
卓昌's breaths came in heavy pants, as if his cock was already in 妹's pussy.
"Sit on the toilet." 妹 said in a commanding tone, slamming her palm against 卓昌's left cheek. The slap sounded throughout the restroom. Maybe a person in the hall outside the room heard it.
Fighting the urge to sigh, 卓昌 sat on the toilet in the stall.
He trained his eyes on the 性 High School logo designed onto the chest area's left side of 妹's white school vest, longing to plead with the girl to let him leave the restroom without them doing sexual acts together.
"Please don't do this. I'll make it up to you another way. I'll help you with-" 卓昌 starting saying.
妹 slammed her fist into his groin.
She pressed her hand hard against the boy's mouth as he screamed in utter pain.
Tears left 卓昌's eyes.
妹 smiled as she pulled her hand from 卓昌's mouth, dropped to her knees, unzipped 卓昌's khaki pants after loosening his belt, moved her hand through his pants fly and into 卓昌's boxers. 妹 said, "Let me survey the damage and see a glorious cock."
Warmth met 妹's hand. She grasped the warmth's source-卓昌's cock.
After pulling the cock out of 卓昌's boxers, through his khaki pants fly, into view, 妹 released him.
卓昌's cock was huge. 妹 opened her mouth a bit at the cock's sight before grabbing it again.
Her hand was on 卓昌's cock. She was not 卓昌's girlfriend, but that did not prevent her from touching a penis that did not belong to her.
"You're soft. Of course." 妹 said, training her eyes on 卓昌's face. 卓昌 had his eyes closed as he muttered words 妹 couldn't comprehend. 妹 moved her hand holding 卓昌's cock towards the boy, moved her hand towards herself, stroking the soft, warm flesh. 卓昌 stopped his muttering. "I know you love this."
卓昌 shook his head without hesitating. He said, in a pained tone, "No."
妹 stroked the cock in her hand faster, intent on making 卓昌 gain an erection.
卓昌 grabbed his head while saying, "Stop. S-seriously."
Hardness replaced 卓昌's cock's softness at an gradual pace as 妹 stroked 卓昌's cock faster with.
As the cock in her hand grew harder and larger, 妹 wore a prideful smile.
Soon, 卓昌's cock was 9 inches long, as erect as it could be.
妹 released the miserable boy's cock. The boy with the tears descending his face might have had the biggest penis in Beijing.
Without simulation, 卓昌's cock bobbed as it remained in 妹's view, powerful as it appeared as if it could shoot a come cum in one massive jet.
妹 moved her face close to the strong cock, let her pink tongue brush against its underside.
She moved her tongue to the cock's head, licked it in a circular motion.
卓昌 jerked as he opened his eyes.