Originally Posted by uglydoll00
Did not name as my intention is not o smear the ML's name.
Just want to vent off some frustation being judged by a ML fml
Oh I dressed poor doesn't mean I am poor btw.
Showed them the money I did in fact this particular ML I paid her more than a bit extra on a prior visit 
Some ML scrutinizes not so much on attire but the accessories we wearing, especially watch ⌚, wallet. They operate on the superficial theory that if you wearing a branded stuff then you must be well to do, and it do impact the level of service provided for this type of MLs.
As for tipping, i am never a believer of tipping, because imho once you start tipping, there's a level of "expectation" from us for better service and from that ML that you will continue the trend. As you have just experienced from this ML, despite your considerable tipping the last round, the goodwill expired after you left last visit. But well, to each its own, for me i prefer to avoid any built up of expectations from both sides through the generous act of tipping. For me, I "reward" ML good service by repeated visits.
Move on to other ML bro, plenty good ones to pick these days.