Originally Posted by MiG27
Well said.
Im quite sure they have much more to do if plying the trade in China.
The reason they come here is more like due to exchange rate and take advantage of naive customers.
Im sure many will be happy if we give them $100 n just chit chat w them.
I had tried MLs in those relaxation outlets in Guangzhou before. Certain standards need to be maintain.
I got a black face, moody ML once. I was really pissed off when she do a one hand massage n right in front of me she play her phone.
I went bonkers....got up...n put on my clothes.
"Forget it, end the session n you get out this room!"
I reached for my phone n called the manager...the ML immediately kneel down in front of me and beg me not to....ask me to give her a chance.
I relented...she chuck her phone away and help me undress...then she also took off everything n signal me back to the bed....
the remaining 30 mins was so much better service n she smile throughout.
We had been shortchange alot already by these visiting MLs.
Please do not be a moron and try to play gentlemen n let them have their way.
We are the paying customers...we go restaurant/hotel n get bad service....we complain....why when come to MLs, we diam diam???
Moreover, paying $100-$120 per session with nothing more than a HJ....really overpriced already.
You morons really need to go China n see for yourselves.
Most of the folks ahere like t oplay white knoght or maybe okt in disguise.
We indulge the WL and they now think it is their right to do so ...
They can't massage and they refuse to take off their clothes and you can't touch them and yet we have idiot queuing to pay 110/120 for them to do nothing
If i am the WL, i also don't mind coming here.