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Old 04-11-2018, 08:16 PM
Spinda Spinda is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Bro, Nicole is pure ML even at wolf site for quite a while.

Qing Chuan is also $120
Let's not forget Aini only just returned, she was $120
Donna, whom i believe is just taking a break, also $120.
If memory serves me right, SaSa was also $120.
And now the "local girl" $130 lol.

6 months ago $120 is rarity. These days, it's not uncommon. Especially those returning APs, like what Donna and Aini did.

Nothing we can control of course, but not a healthy trend from our perspective.. Without $120 appearing as "normal", we won't have this local girl quoting $130 for sure.
I would like to comment on this fake sg local ML who has lots of pattern and misguiding customer with lots of incorrect info. Like her nationality or she is local born and studying up to polytechnic but u can clearly hear that she is PRC and her english is CMI, not even Pri 1 standard. Once found out she will immediately change her advertisment to continue cheating other customers at other forum. Not going to break her rice bowl but it is unfair to other ML who are not resorting to such tactics to win customer. Overall bros do take note if u encounter a ML who say she is frm TW or SG but u can hear she is clearly from PRC. Or story like her grandma is sick n need lots of money for treatment. Please be careful and do not let your hardearn money goes to this ML for her plastic surgery.