Hi Bros, just came back from a session with Guo Er and will like to recommend for you guys to try.
MR for Guo Er aka 果儿 from sglonelyguys
Looks : 7.5/10 similarity to the photos with some discount
Body : 8 / 10 Just nice, not too slim and not too fat
Autoroam : Upper auto roam with some bottom if chemistry is there
Massage Skill : 9/10 - She is a certified ML, nothing to complain about
GFE : 8 / 10 - I feel she is quite chatty and easy to communicate but there is room for improvement maybe because this is my first time trying
HJ / 海底捞月 : 9 / 10 - Quite sensual with her moaning I release quite fast. Shiok!
RTM : Probably after I came back from upcoming business trip
Thanks and do let me know if you guys gotten the desired service