Originally Posted by Vardy
Mango from SLG
She bears more than a passing resemblance to Carol
Carol is more dolled up at work, Mango a little less
Even their figures are similar, slim and petite
Those luscious lips make her quite the pretty lass
But that is as far as the similarities go
They are VERY different
If carol is the foxy vixen, mango is the homely wife
So don’t go expecting a direct Carol replacement
Forgot to mention, bottom 3 pictures are her. She feels a little sheepish about the top 3 photos. She was egged on by a friend who helped her take and edited the photos.
Nevertheless, her honesty is refreshing and I hadn’t expected that
Those who have visited the recently RTC Xing Chen will be familiar with the location
i.e. drivers best factor time to find parking as lots directly nearby are limited
She is a masseuse, period
And can hold pretty decent conversations
She has offered other services to keep relevant with the current market but her discomfort is clear to see
So those with high expectations of sensual or looking for more may want to consider others who has sensual as their forte.
Her massage was very thorough and soothing. I would say runs 7th princess real close.
Again, I have been unable to RTM Aimee to provide a more current comparison but from what I recall, Aimee massage packs more strength
No handphone use during the session and indeed 60 mins was insufficient to complete her massage routine (it was that thorough)
She has a beautiful body but it’s a shame she feels uncomfortable getting too sensual with customers. Having said that, her above average massage with a happy ending should make her a viable enough choice for at least some of the bros here
RTM: not for everyone but yes for me and for 90 mins to get her thorough routine.
A nice option if you’re tired and just want to snooze thru a relaxing massage
Easily a better choice than 7th princess (sorry) for me since I don’t need assisted shower
I've known Mango for about 2 years. Hence, while I've mentioned that she looks like Carol, it should've been the other way around, since Mango appeared on the scene first.
She has never been well-known and so hasn't been on most bros' radar. I've not tried 7th Princess but I would rate her massage to be at least on par with Aimee, who obviously can massage very well. In this department, if you enjoy smooth comfortable strokes and presses, go for Aimee, and if you prefer a strong, authentic massage, Mango can give a strong massage upon request. (Note: despite her slim body frame, she is actually very strong. She used to run a food business and could carry a 25-kg sack of rice and chop firewood!)
In terms of body, I would say that hers would be closer to Donna's than Carol's, except that Mango has bigger boobs than both of them. Nevertheless, she lacks that classy disposition that Donna exudes, and the sexiness that Carol possesses.)
In terms of playability and sensual, Mango can be quite accommodating within limits, and hence she would beat Ai La and Donna hands down since the two of them market themselves purely on their looks and are quite restrictive. I'd even add that playability wise, Mango would easily surpass Aimee too.
To conclude, I can understand Bro Vardy's preference for Mango, because she has a bit of everything that several "market leaders" possess. Mango is a 实力派 SYT masseuse who also happen to possess good looks, a great body, a pair of nice boobs, and very good service attitude. Quite a rare combination actually, if you think of it.