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Old 16-01-2019, 12:01 AM
Blu3 Blu3 is offline
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Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
Varies across each ML.

If there's something about you which appeals to the ML, you may get "preferential" access on your first visit. Other than that, subsequent visits should gradually improve the roaming signal but again this doesn't apply to every ML. Using your charms to sweet talk them into going further helps, too, IMO.
Thank you the explanation. Probably dun need the 101 of things since not a newbie. Curious on the low playabilities lookers these days only. Of course won't want to spend $600 then able to touch her abalone, not that it's plated in gold.

Thank you on the explanation on 5 grapes by the previous bro. That's quite amusing, wondering where she produce the 5 grapes from.

Definitely, some take a few RTMs to expand uncharted waters and sometimes it's just the fun of it. To have RTMs in the beginning, there must be something really attractive to keep going back for.