Originally Posted by SMRTLTD
You can try asking her nicely. Some MLs will oblige with the request, but of course you still have to respect her boundaries if her 大姨妈 comes.
Just say you want to skip the massage part start on "调情".
Originally Posted by uglydoll00
dun ask too much texting . straight to the point. time you want a slot unless the ML is those unpopular ones then they have plenty of time to entertain you
those hot one have no time to entertain long winded questions . or the more more you ask and then decided not to book them will definitely put u in their bad books
for code red kinda of sensitive? I usually dun ask . and if kenna ML code red and thus limited service I just sucked it up. can't win every time be a gentleman. I do hope ML will tell me if they are on code red before booking but sadly they usually dun .
just my views , opinions may differ
thank you bros for the advice.

I shall not ask too much thru text then, gotta take a bet. I really prefer full nude even if no 4g roaming.