Originally Posted by baotohk
sbf is often the opposite. Those who claimed to be old fat and poor are usually good looking and rich.
So you know how those who claimed they are rich and handsome looks like. ... 
What a gem of a statement! So profound.
So those who claim the WL love them deep deep and they can fuck like horse actually...
And those Ah Peks who talk a lot like experts are actually...
If the FR very long means the session was actually very...
The no. 1 Senior writer who writes the most is actually...
The funny bit is someone POWERful rushed to support you not knowing your statement actually makes him out to be a joke. Good friend.
I like it when I make some general remarks about loser Ah Peks and those who feel pain step forward to identify themselves. If you're not an ugly loser Ah Pek who can only afford Coach and like FOC, why so painful? Talking about you, meh? LOL
There is a saying putting one's foot in his mouth. Do you enjoy licking your stinking coward feet? Please continue to show that all you can achieve in life is to attack a pint sized old lady online anonymously. Can you do anything else? I guess your face too ugly to show up in person. I think little girls have more guts and ability than you. Does your mother know you so old already still hide behind a computer screen like small kid to attack old ladies? What a loser. LOL