Thread: Advise please
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Old 14-02-2007, 06:53 PM
BkkResident BkkResident is offline
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai View Post
U must start to read carefully and use ur brain when u post ok? Ur bro ansonlky is the one who say u going Ratchadar Soi 4 for date hor. So what is ur kind of decent "romantic" dinner? Recommend us lor instead of contributing nonsenses.
BTW, u also don't embarrass urself posting photos of those road side looking "food" hor... I don't understand leh... its not as if u stay in Sathorn Road Condo or something.. u're staying in a 500 baht a night cheapskate motel. For god sake.... u still living in a well after so long?
U also dun embarass yourself hor. Tonite go Krung Seafood and eat. ( Centre of siam beverly hotel and Le Concorde ). Go see if the food is the same or not. One thing u are right. Its cheap 390baht all in all. Just for 1 person consumption. Next time u see me there,i just add a pair of chopticks for u,like Red boy.

Did i say go Krung Seafood for dinner today?

Haha,then u staying how much one? Since u stay bkk longer? U must be staying private house by now then. Most bros based in bkk for work paid the same amount for lodging. But i guess u are exception .
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