With most cheongsters focusing on newblood and/or returning MLs like Xiao Qi, Polly, An Xin and Tian Niu, I finally go book a session with ZZ..
She probably have more than enough FRs by now, just sharing my view that ZZ is indeed deserving of the hype. I would say she is easily an 8 to 8.5/10 on average for all categories, from hair, looks, boobs, body, skin, sensual skillsets, GFE and playability. Certainly one of the most memorable one in terms of overall package.
If really to nitpick, BJ skills not as masterful as those MLs famous for blowing, GFE is tilting towards commercial feel, could probably tune it down a little and she would be close to perfection if taller.
Imo, $120 category ML should entail what ZZ possess in terms of appearance / body and the wide range of services she offer at full nude.
Lastly, I can't decide who's dirty talk is more erotic, ZZ (slutty lover feel) or Hebe (horny galfren feel)