Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei
Sometimes you look more suspicious when you fiddle with your phone, that's why I play by ear and act according to the situation, which means taking the same lift at times.
Anyway, if the resident is going to the same floor, you just press another floor. That's why I keep stressing letting the other party press the button first.
Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei
If there's a swimming pool, I'll chill there for 15 minutes so that I leave at 7.15 pm instead of 7 pm. If lone men are seen entering and exiting the condo at the hour mark each time, will arouse suspicion.
i believed majority of the Bros here are not as zai as you lah....can avoid meeting or talking to others, just avoid.
i think most MLs also dun want us loiter in the condo too much if no other business there. you loiter (chill) around the swimming pool then not suspicious meh?
need to change into swimming trunks or not? wait pops out a security asking you 'are you a resident here? what are you doing at the swimming pool? which unit you stay in?'....even more jialat....