Originally Posted by Johndick
Ya, saw it too. Her abs is really.. R.E.S.P.E.C.T
But the harsh reality is other than impressed by her discipline to maintain in such tip top shape, it's not gonna make the viewers feel extra horny to wanna book her more isn't it? Not like that website is a gym / fitness website unfortunately. The real business boomer for her will not be pictures related..if she just up her game to full nude or add in CBJ, then the sky is the limit for Mango 
Yes bro agreed. Just a tweak to her playability and she will probably find hard to take a rest between jobs already. I've RTM her twice only so far, and both times for massage only as I felt her sensual was lacking in many ways. But since I met Cat, I thought Cat's massage was better so I go to her instead if Mango.
The only one that can beat Mangoes lean body is probably 3 9 10. That girl is amazing beyond words.. but price wise, easily put people off