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Old 04-12-2019, 05:28 PM
prodigal2chance prodigal2chance is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Hi fellow bros,

Im back in this forum to finish my unfinish message. First thanks stiffness for allowing me to post in this thread, noted your concerns and will try my best to adhere to it.

First, just to recap my previous 2 posts on 21/12/2018 and 31/12/2018. Do look up for some back ground. Quick recap as follow :

1) Who am I – I am 40+ typical Singaporean Chinese Male, stay in condo with car, married with wife and kid and with good job. I started ML lifestyle 2 years + ago, ended up crossing the line, almost lost my business, lost much money, contacted STD, got arrested during a police raid, could have ended up in jail and eventually found out by my family and almost lost them. Actually I almost lost everything that I have and owned….Don’t end up like me or worse. I have stopped visiting ML/ FL for more than 1 year. The temptation is there and its a constant battle of the mind.

2) Why am I doing this –
a) There are many (incrreasing in fact) walking down the same road as I have, want to warn you of the danger, how to get off the road
b) share useful knowlegde / lessons I have learnt over the 1.5 years
c) I felt the need to share to do some good in return for the kindness that I received.

3) Am I trying to be a saviour or some sort – Definitely not. I have betrayed my family, I am not fit in any sense to be anyone’s saviour. I feel indebted to warn guys that are or may be walking down the same path as I am to turn around and save themselves from further destruction.

4) Why am I posting this here - yes, this is not the forum, however, this is where the people who need to be aware of some of these things are found.

5) Why should you read my post? - I am certain you will find it benefitial in some ways, because there are some lessons learnt from 2 practising psychiatrists, books and cousellors, information that I (and perhaps yourself) never knew before.

6) I am not racist, nor against any religious groups. However, I have received much grace and kindness from Christian leaders and friends who stood along side with me to help me through my dark days that I am extremely thankkful for.

7) Please be kindl to me in your comments, I need some encouragement to go on....I went MIA for 1 year, came back because have not finish what I set out to do. Thank you

8) For bros who has some personal/ private question, can send me private message separately, I will be most happy and try to reply you ASAP

I will be touching on the following :
1) What do we look for when they visit ML or FL - are we really looking for lust?
2) Hows you childhood, unhappy childhood leads to emptiness in our lifes
3) We all can live a more victorious life than trying to find fulfillment in visiting MLs
4) Other matters - Pls feel free to add on to this discussion

We are at the end of 2019, it would be most appropriate for bros who have thought of getting off this ML road and start afresh in 2020. My blessing to all.
