Originally Posted by blu3fin
Imagine girlfriend say this to you �� .. keeper
Originally Posted by bkba333
Seventh princess........
The only reason why I stopped looking for her is because she’s really plain vanilla. Roaming very limited and gfe also quite limited.
Me also stop cos cannot suck tits.... despite her regular weekend greetings.
Originally Posted by tummybird
I got to agree on the cons.
However I am not paying just to meet a nice lady and get not up to "standard" service.
Zhi Xin, An Xin, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Wan Zi..... all same gang so same level of service cannot suck boobs .... XX tried to recommend me An Xin & XWZ but I told her I love to suck boobs how? Hahaha.....
They all have their individual reasons why they dun like pple suck their boobs, which XX nicely explained one by one, but I told her I’m boob lover leh.... so she said what they offer is massage mah.... OMG! I also dun want to say too much liao.