Originally Posted by AUDIFANSG
Why are we still patronizing prc ML? Given their humsup attitude and this coronavirus going around, we should explore other horizons. Try other races if possible. Many countries are shunning from Chinese WL, https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/austr...and-suffer-dip im sure many others are doing the same. I personally have gotten good services maybe 2 out of 10 times with a PRC ML. After reading this thread, still got some PRC ML fully booked? 
Care to provide some alternatives?
Anyway, it was mentioned here before that PRC WLs here mostly cater to sg customers while PRC customers patronise WLs of other nationalities. Of course that is not 100% the case for everyone but it's abit naiive to think that other WLs are "safer" than PRC ones.
At the end of the day, all also dangerous in the current situation lol. That's why chionging is altogether discouraged for now. Doesn't stop absolutely everyone though.