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Old 16-06-2020, 08:55 AM
wildcard87 wildcard87 is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Some bros are more daredevil than others, some maybe just yearn for nude body to roam after such a long stretch no "meat" to eat lol.

For me is still a no no lah. Will still wait it out to see how things unfold and play it safer for now. Like you said, I don't think many of us can have the peace of mind to "play" the ML freely like pre covid19 days, similarly the ML might also have more reservations to deliver all out services.. like that what's the point?

And if bros are keeping track of the listings in various sites, there are not many enticing reasons to re-enter the scene now:

1. Same old small group of ML with limited good options
2. Some ML and FL uppz their rate
3. Some removed services like CBJ/BJ
4. Some reduce duration to 45 mins
5. Some is a combination of 3,4 and 5 lol

End up we pay more (or same) but definitely get back lesser in terms of quality, time and range of we ownself may not dare to be too bold. Imo is not a wise move to plunge back NOW.
Quite agree with you. But as usual...the mind is willing the body weak. Sure all will chiong one even when price up